Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Disgusting Saturday Afternoon...

So, today's plans kind of went in the shitter due to an unexpected monsoon that's passing through Ithaca. I wanted to go for a run, do some laundry, enjoy my freedom... instead I'm sitting in front of my computer in sports bra and boxers with a giant floor fan (diameter the length of my arm) perched on my printer, set to high and hoping that if I don't move, I won't start sweating. Gross... I know.

Good news? I'm half way through Twilight/Midnight Sun which I'm reading simultaneously because Twilight just doesn't have enough Edward in it by itself.

In other news, I found out that I kind of forgot to take care of some graduation things. For example, I ordered my cap and gown and then promptly misplaced all of the pick up information. Whoops! And I kind of, sort of forgot to make sure I had tickets for my family for the indoor ceremony in the event of bad weather. Here's to hoping there's no rain! I know, I know. Bad Allison. I think that Monday may involve me schlepping all over campus and doing a lot of begging and pleading.

Onto really random commentary. I don't know if peeps know but, this fall I got laser hair removal. I'd done the math and figured that the $300 investment was a lot cheaper than a lifetime of underarm waxes since shaving doesn't really work for me. Results? Friggin awesome! I have almost no hair growth and what little I do have bows before my razor like a weak ass bitch. I only wish I could afford to do it everywhere. Where is my winning lottery ticket when I need it? I'm really glad that so far, only girls are checking out my blog. Otherwise, well, I can see a lot of my guy friends panicking in their rush to close the browser window.

Thing of the Day: So I was going to impishly post my colored in Twilight pic where I made Bella blonde and blue-eyed... sound like anyone you know? ;-) but my evil computer thwarted my plans and crashed before I saved it so I'm leaving you with a simple quote.
"The prince was never coming back to kiss me awake from my enchanted sleep. I was not a princess, after all. So what was the fairy-tale protocol for other kisses? The mundane kind that didn't break any spells?"

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, I should have posted my picture but it was normal. Btw, YES I do need more than the full 200 or so they offer. Because there is no good skin color for the vampires and definitely no good hair colors for Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper especially...and Edward. So yes I want 1000 colors.

    Yeah you fail in the grad preparation department, just remember to take the diploma home before you lose it, Okay? Good.

    So is all you did was one session for the laser hair removal? That's freakin kickass. I agree with wishing I had enough money to do it everywhere haha, no more razors or waxings (in my dreams).

    Sorry I didn't call back to talk like I said in the message, moving took a lot longer and then Gina drove into town. I'll call you tomorrow evening though :)
