Monday, May 18, 2009

Depressing Post

So I started my diet/exercise regime today. The exercising part is truly pathetic. I'm in horrific shape. I can't wait to go home and have someone to work out with though. That'll be a really nice change from mostly being alone up here. But, as far as food goes, I had a piece of toast (no butter) for breakfast and two servings of fruit around 4 for lunch. I haven't figured out what's for dinner. It'll probably be something quick and unhealthy because I really don't feel like hitting up a grocery store for food tonight.

Do you ever have those feelings like you're ugly? Not just physically unattractive, but like the kind of ugliness when your soul feels blackened. The feeling seeps out from your spine and spreads. You know you can't escape it, that it's contaminating every cell in your body. And as it moves through your insides and bursts through your pores, you feel like you don't deserve anything, like you shouldn't want anything - because you're ugly.

Thing of the Day: Marie Digby - Unfold

What I can remember
Is a lot like water
Trickling down a page
Of the most beautiful colors
I can't quite put my finger
Down on the moment
That I became like this...

I read over the weekend. Count's up to:
Twilight: 11
New Moon: 10
Eclipse: 10
Breaking Dawn: 10
Midnight Sun: 11

P.S. - First New Moon movie posters are supposedly being released tomorrow and the first movie clip is being aired at the MTV movie awards on May 31st, where it'll be presented by none other than Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, and Robert Pattinson.


  1. When I was up in NYC I felt like that. Like my insides were ugly too :( I think being alone makes people very susceptible to believing untrue things like this.

    Don't worry, taking care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally will help with that. By that we're going to exercise, eat healthy, and do what makes us happy instead of trying to just please everyone else (miss I have to take care of everyone).

    You gonna get a poster?

  2. Ooohhh I like the new poster, very New Moon appropriate.
